Resources for Formation at Home during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Ritualize your faith at home

Faith starts in the home. Our Christian Formation Council has recommended resources to facilitate formation for our communicants at home. Until we have a safe and widely available vaccine for COVID-19, we will not move into the yellow phase of our diocesan regathering plan and our congregations will not be worshipping fully in person. This means we will look toward Advent and Christmas with an expectation that those services, like those of Holy Week and Easter, will be largely virtual and that our fall formation activities will take place online and at home. 

Beyond the Sunday School Classroom and the Church Building

Our diocesan Christian Formation Council is offering formation and worship resources as a supplement to participating in livestreamed worship or small in-person worship services. These resources can all be done at home and be led by lay people. We recommend these opportunities for lay people to take a leadership role in your congregation’s formation programs. Resources are rated from 1 – 5 on the amount of energy they take to prep for and their cost. The lower the number, the least prep time and lowest cost.


Resources for FALL formation during a time of quarantine

presented by your diocesan Christian Formation Council 

01. beatitudes study

Beatitudes – Full online Sunday School by Illustrated Ministry

  • Written for real time/live (Zoom) or pre-recorded presentation
  • All ages
  • Energy rating: 4
  • Cost: 4 




02. Faith at home kits

Faith at Home Kits – Kit of items for at-home study. Cost is variable as you can prepare kits yourself and deliver or mail them to your congregants’ homes; you can buy them pre-made from a church in Canada that will ship them for you; or you can ask participants to find items in their own homes.

  • Story, activity, prayer item
  • Your choice of focus
  • Energy rating: 2
  • Cost: 1-3

 Faith at Home Kits

Faithful Families at Home by Traci Smith – book resource

03. Simple Book Club

Storypath connects children’s literature with our faith story.

  • Intergenerational groups can read and discuss
  • Meet monthly or weekly, depending upon age
  • Provides a shared experience for families to discuss
  • Energy rating: 2
  • Cost: 1 – everyone obtains their own book

04. Children’s chapel

Gospel, sermon, activity

05. Churchnext

This is NOT Sunday School program – released the fall

  • Videos with small group discussion
  • All subjects, all ages
  • Energy rating: 2
  • Cost: 0 – 4




online worship

Always available – watch livestreamed worship from the Cathedral of the Incarnation or from your own congregation.