In September of 2020, the Diocese of Maryland passed a landmark resolution on reparations at our annual convention, which called for the formation of a $1-million-dollar seed fund and a committee to discern and oversee its use toward the work of reparations.

“RESOLVED, that this 236th Convention of the Diocese of Maryland encourages and affirms the creation of a reparations fund by the Diocesan Council with an initial seed investment of $1,000,000 from diocesan resources to the work of reparations. The Diocese of Maryland Diocesan Council will ensure sound fiscal management and administration of the funds and its use in coordination with the committee appointed for such work; and be it further…”

The reparations committee has been named and its work has begun. In the upcoming months, the group will be discerning and developing a process for how the disbursement generated from this seed fund will be spent each year. The fund is composed of investment funds, as well as donations from individuals and organizations. The committee will give its first report to Diocesan Council this weekend. We are grateful to the committee members (listed below) for their willingness to serve and their stewardship of this important work.


Reparations Task Force Members
Episcopal Diocese of Maryland
February 2021


Stephen Gibson, (Member, St. James-Lafayette Square, Baltimore)
Nancy Hennessey+ (Rector, Sherwood, Cockeysville)

Diocesan Staff Liaisons

Chris McCloud+ (Canon for Mission)
Carrie Graves (Canon for Communications), 410-467-1399,

UBE Representatives

Celeste Morgan (Member, St. Michael’s & All Angels, Baltimore)
Randy Callender+  (Rector, St. Philip’s, Annapolis)

Truth and Reconciliation Commission Representatives

Scott King (Member, Memorial, Baltimore)
Nancy Hennessy+ (Rector, Sherwood, Cockeysville)

Diocesan Members

Karen Crosby+ (Rector, St. John’s, Frostburg)
Lisa Siciliano+ (Deacon, Southern Maryland)
Frieda Marie Brown+ (Associate Rector, Redeemer, Baltimore)
Al Collins (Member, St. Anne’s, Annapolis)
Riley Roshong (Member, Church on the Square, Baltimore)
Sonni Aribiah (Member, Christ Church, Columbia)
Brian Lyght, (Youth member, St. Michael & All Angels, Baltimore)