Bishop Eugene Taylor Sutton presides over the reconvened 238th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland to elect a bishop coadjutor, March 25, 2023, St. John’s, Ellicott City
We are pleased to announce that the Rev. Carrie Schofield-Broadbent was elected today, March 25, 2023, as Bishop Coadjutor of the Diocese of Maryland (XV Bishop of Maryland) at the 238th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland.
We give thanks for Carrie and her willingness to serve our diocese. We offer prayers for her and her family and gratitude for our Standing Committee, Bishop Search Committee, Transition Committee, diocesan staff, clergy, lay delegates, Bishop Bill Gohl who served as our preacher, and to the people of St. John’s, Ellicott City, who all worked together to hold this election.
Video greeting from Bishop Coadjutor-Elect Carrie Schofield-Broadbent
Worship and election livestream, March 25, 2023
A Collect for the Election of our New Bishop
Almighty God, through whose Son our Savior Jesus Christ gave the Apostles fruitful gifts for the work of ministry to and among your faithful people: Grant, we pray Carrie, our Bishop Coadjutor-Elect, receive your grace to prepare to be to us a faithful pastor, patient teacher, and wise councilor, that by her ministry Christ’s Gospel will be proclaimed and this Diocese equipped to do the work of ministry in this state, country, and throughout the world.
Merciful Lord, we lift up in prayer Alissa, Gregg, and Randy, faithful priests in your Church. We commend them to you for offering themselves in discernment to be our Bishop and pray that they will continue to be shining lights in word and deed of your love to the people they serve, that they with all of us may attain the joys of everlasting life.
We ask, O gracious God, for your continual blessing to be upon Eugene, our Bishop. We pray for him to continue faithfully with the work you have for him still to do among us, that by his preaching, teaching, and example we may be a people encouraged to do your will with sincerity of heart and love for all.
O God, accept our prayers for the Diocese of Maryland. May we give thanks to you always and praise your Name. Pour upon us the grace of your unconditional love, that we, refreshed through your Word and Sacraments, may serve you with pure and devoted hearts.
All our prayers and praises we offer through your Son our Savior Jesus Christ, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.
~ written by the Rev. Dr. Brandt Montgomery, Chaplain of Saint James School in Hagerstown, Maryland.