The 240th Diocesan Convention: Such a time as this
The 240th Diocesan Convention: Such a time as this

The 240th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland met November 8-9 at the Claggett Center in Adamstown, MD, with more than 275 lay delegates, clergy, and other attendees present. Convention business sessions took place in the Claggett Center’s Delaplaine Barn, and many delegates stayed overnight in the Christiane Inn and cottages on Claggett’s campus.

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Landmark partnership brings new life to church property in Baltimore City
Landmark partnership brings new life to church property in Baltimore City

In the heart of Baltimore City’s Waverly neighborhood, a historic collaboration is set to breathe new life into our cherished St. John’s Episcopal Church property. At a recent press conference held November 21 in the sanctuary, community leaders, including Councilwoman Odette Ramos, unveiled a landmark partnership between the Sutton Scholars program, the BIT Center, and the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland.

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From the Archives: Bishop Stone, Part II

From the Archives: Bishop Stone, Part II

Bishop Stone’s tenure as Diocesan bishop may have been relatively brief, but he tried to navigate the divisions in the diocese and helped to transition the church into an era of growth, focusing on education, missionary work and clergy compensation. He was remembered as having lived “a life consecrated to Christ and His Church”.

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Diocesan News

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The Maryland deputation to GC80 offers a follow-up forum, including a post-convention greeting from Bishop Sutton.

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Meet the Artists: Behind elements of beauty at Bishop Carrie’s consecration

Meet the Artists: Behind elements of beauty at Bishop Carrie’s consecration

The wood in those trees was strong and clear and up to a great many tasks. I made a table for my shop out of this wood that I disassembled because I no longer needed it. When Carrie asked me to make her a crozier, it was the obvious choice. I am grateful that the last task of this particular wood is to be a symbol of grace and kindness. It is fitting that it be a reminder of the deep and lasting need for us to shepherd ourselves, each other, and this planet to safety.

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Sherwood Episcopal Church Awarded $1.7 Million Grant for Stormwater Management Project

Sherwood Episcopal Church Awarded $1.7 Million Grant for Stormwater Management Project

During heavy rain events, stormwater flows from higher-elevation, asphalted housing developments on Sherwood Hill above the Sherwood campus to a gully behind the church. As a result, the campus is flooded with pollutants, debris, and sediment which move over the church and neighboring properties, then further downhill to heavily trafficked York Road. The polluted stormwater continues to Beaverdam Run, a tributary of Loch Raven Reservoir, and into the greater Baltimore drinking water supply.

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Celebration abounds at Sutton Scholars summer program closing ceremony

Celebration abounds at Sutton Scholars summer program closing ceremony

On a sunny morning in Baltimore, the auditorium of Mercy High School buzzed with anticipation. The air was filled with energy as students, parents, supporters, and donors to the program gathered for the closing ceremony of the Sutton Scholars® High School Enrichment Program’s 2023 summer session. The theme, “Building a Better Baltimore,” was tangible in the guests, Scholars, faculty and staff.

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Carrie Schofield-Broadbent consecrated Maryland bishop coadjutor
Carrie Schofield-Broadbent consecrated Maryland bishop coadjutor

Deeply committed to honoring the dignity of every human being, Schofield-Broadbent consistently attends to her own work around race, climate change, economic justice and full-inclusion of LGBTQ+ people. She is committed to helping The Episcopal Church grow in these areas. Her consecration represents a significant step in furthering the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland’s commitment to inclusive leadership and fostering a vibrant, diverse and welcoming faith community.

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Meet the Rev. Arlette D. Benoit Joseph, consecration preacher
Meet the Rev. Arlette D. Benoit Joseph, consecration preacher

The Rev. Arlette D. Benoit Joseph will preach at the service of ordination and consecration of the Rev. Carrie K. Schofield-Broadbent this Saturday, September 16 at Washington National Cathedral. The Rev. Joseph is passionate about the spiritual and emotional wellness of clergy, as well as the Christian and Spiritual Formation of all God’s people. She approaches her calling with vibrancy and vitality.

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